Sunday, December 7, 2008

The candy tree

The candy tree is a new tradition to the Mead home. It's a tiny tree that is decorated exclusively with candy.

Luke was in charge of the gummy worms and was very good about spacing them apart. I did the peach rings. Yesterday the boys worked together to string on the cranberries. They loved this and felt so big that they got to use a needle. Luke kept saying it was magic watching the cranberry float down the clear string.
Owen was in charge of the candy canes and from the looks of this photo it appears that he helped himself to a few.

Yes, he definitely did.

The candy tree. Maybe I'll take a picture of it in a few weeks to see what's left.
P.S. Lily was managing from her high chair. I am preparing her for her future as a mother and homemaker. The art of bossing people around is one that must be developed at a young age to truly be brilliant at it. My mother must have started in utero with me. I am an expert bosser arounder. Many times I feel like a symphony do this, you do that, you do this, no, do it like this, yes yes yes. I'm so good at it now that I can even direct the most challenging of subjects, Mr. Mead himself, (on a good day).

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