Sunday, December 7, 2008

Luke, you're a complicated beast.

My dear son Luke,

I want to remember an experience that we shared a couple of weeks ago. You were walking from another room when you hit your head on a side table, pretty hard. I heard it and wanted to provide you some comfort, sweet son. I came within your view, gave you a big smile (to let you know of my love and understanding of you).

To which you replied, (in a super angry low voice) "your not my best friend."

Oh Luke, I love you too man. It's times like this that I wonder what you will be like when your older. Will you still be filled with hatred and revoltion for your blessed mother? I wonder, oh how I wonder.


Poelmans said...

awe . . . thanx cuz. wish i could have been there too!

My Three Sons said...

Gracious. I know how you feel, Chase was so rude to me this morning I actually told him I was taking a present back to the store. When he said he didn't care, I told him it was a Nintendo DS (which he wants) ..... what he doesn't know is that I never even bought the Nintendo. I totally made it up because I was so frustrated with him! Am I a bad mother? At least he straightened up after that, but I'm not going to buy one now...that's for sure!

Jessica said...

Boys, boys, boys....all I can say is--I feel your pain!