Last Friday I was the mystery reader for Owen's class. Owen got all excited and wanted to read a book too. So he read his favorite book, Tiger Can't Sleep which he technically has memorized but no matter. He was so excited to be the mystery reader that when I walked into the room he turned bright red; even his calves were red. So much that both teachers noticed. I'm hoping it was that and not that he's already embarrassed by his lovely mother.
And now for that eye candy I was promising you. Okay, I know I'm cruel to post these but just can't help myself. Lily has taken to smiling as big as she possibly can. And it's just too cute to not share (notice the Snuggly CEO in the background). Ha.
Also, as a matter of important family history I wanted to post a picture of her perfectly round tum tum. Which is what I am compelled to say nearly every time I pick her up (the tum tum part) followed by tummy caressing.
1 comment:
I luvs the tummy!!
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