I'll never tell what the secret
ingredient is, that is unless you ask. Okay. Here it is. If you want the most freaking delicious chocolate chip cookies you must make them with cold butter, just like a pie crust. Work fast and you will be a
goddess to your man and children.

My friend was driving by and couldn't resist
blackmailing me with this photo. The kids all thought it only fair that I take a turn wearing a sign too (it was after all 102 degrees outside!).

They made $36 dollars from the sale and split it four ways. Lily even was a 'helper' for a time until father drove by and mother basically threw her into his car and said "take this child!!!"

Jillian, our car spotter. Do you see Luke sitting in the chair, yes; he did most of his work from there. He is more of a manager type, if you know what I mean. :)

They had a great time and are hopefully learning our wonderful capitalist views.
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