The above picture is the reason Chaddy had to come and meet us at the emergency room last weekend (during a super sweet concert he was at BTW). It was taken at Park City UT where we did the alpine slide and other various exciting activities. Well, Owen wanted to show his buddy what his new trick on the trampoline (except he didn't have the aide of the rope to facilitate the back flip) and bam. Landed smack on his head, but all's well that ends well, just a muscle strain.

Luke figured out that if he just laid back after he jumped up that he eventually would do a back flip, it was kind of slow motion but very charming.

I had to post this pic, I didn't notice it while we were taking pictures but now that I see it, I die. And isn't he handsome, if I do say so myself, which I do, so I am. He he he he.
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