The last week of our tour was spent in San Diego. Chad flew out to meet us and a wonderful time was had by all. Here are the boys at Sea World modeling hats for sale and no we didn't buy them.

This was so funny, at the sea lion show they had this act to warm up the crowd. It was hip music and dancing skits, well, Lily almost stopped breathing from staring so intensely during the performance. She has found her calling.

Waiting to see Shamu.

Owen going for the brass ring, he got three iron ones but the lady in front of him got the brass ring. Timing is everything.

While there we went to Legoland where now both children have license's to drive. We're just trying to hide our car keys in new spots now so as to avoid a disaster.

Of course we had to indulge in a little In-N-Out Burger while there (okay we had it at least everyday, and once on the way home in Arizona where we officially hit the spot and had had enough of it). But we loved it, Lily especially loved the milkshake and would go insane if you even looked like you might try to take it away.

Here we are on Carlsbad beach at sunset on our first day there.

Luke was all over the beach thing, he'd head right out for the waves and splash all around.

Lily was more of a 'I'm just going to stand over here by you type'.


On lifeguard patrol.

This is as close as Lily got to the water.

But not them. We loved our time there, grandma was with us and we had a ton of fun. Each night the kiddos would have sleepovers at grandma's condo (we stayed at a timeshare and got to hear all kind of great things about vacation ownership, (I'm kidding) and the timeshare salesman even called me a hard ass. Wow, talk about a poor sport).
While the kids were doing who knows what at my mom's, Chad and I would go back to the beach and walk along holding hands chatting away while watching the waves come in. A great time was had.
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