This is the current state of Lily, nude. She is determined to be naked and do unspeakable things all over my lovely home. (note; daughter has been removed from position of favorite child to that of least favorite child.)
Chad's birthday was Sunday and I wanted to make him a glorious chocolate cake. Instead I made him this blob of ultra rich chocolate. Now we know that it is possible to use too much cream combined with chocolate.

So pursuant to Lily's wishes we're (me) trying to potty train her. Not going so great today considering I had a pretty rough day myself (on my daily roller blade route I managed to fall squarely on my bum while going so fast that I knocked myself unconscious and a neighbor driving by woke me up and brought me home. Probably looked super funny but hurts like hell! Who knew your tailbone was involved in so many minor movements. And the best news...they recognized me at the ER! Ha.)
Love how this one follows on the heels of a nakee Luke... :) I broke my tailbone while in college (while dating Derek) and was in SO much pain. I ended up going to the doc and getting the good drugs... Hope you got some too and are feeling better soon... :)
potty training . . .Uhg. And you and all of your accidents! You are so crazy funny!
Lily is hilarious! So funny! Your chocolate cake looks delicious! and so do your cupcakes! I'm so sorry about your tailbone-that hurts so bad. I love that they recognized you in the ER though! That's great! Hope everything else is going well. I love all your pictures of your fun, big trip and Luke's white bum! Looks like you had a great time!
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