And it just isn't a party till your naked, right (this was at the end of our celebrations and Lily and chocolate = stains).

Making our balloon wishes, (if Lily could write she would have wished that she could be naked all the time). Instead she (daddy) wished for a happy baby all the time (Lily is getting that two year old attitude!) But I want it!!!!!

Two years ago at 11:23 pm our baby girl was born. Often times when things are good your either too busy or oblivious to notice how good things are. This is not the case, I've appreciated each day these past two years. Trials bring perspective and I'm so grateful for my family. I know how good we've got it right now. With my children all around, a husband whom adores me I have fulfillment.

Making my wish, Lily would love it if it came true. I wished for her to be able to eat cookies everyday. To which Chad replied, "Why would you wish for that! She can't have that."
To which I replied, "That's why it's a wish."

Opening her presents, brothers were just about as excited as she was, possibly more. She got a new baby (from papa/
nana), a cozy coupe car, a grocery cart (from grandma), new boots and some annoying talking phone that I already despise.

For the celebrations I made one of Lily's favorite meals. Ginger/garlic marinated and grilled flank steak, and fresh pasta with my homemade pesto sauce (she has a mature
palate). She's using utensils theses days and she's better at it than Luke!

Raising a cup to Lily.

Trying on her crown. You can't see all the stuff I put on that remind me of her this past year so I'll list them for you. Right in the center is a naked baby (since she has a passion for nudity). There is also an
ipod to represent her love of dancing/music. A cat and dog because we can't see either and not play with them. A couple pairs of shoes and jewelry because this girl just knows how to work it!...gets that from me. And of course pics of different foods that she loves; chicken, cheese and cookies!
Happy birthday baby, we love you endlessly.
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