Friday, September 25, 2009

Lucy, our love/hate relationship continues.

Dear Lucy,

Just this morning I was thinking how I'm almost liking you. Sure you jump excitedly on me every morning, need to be fed everyday, poop in the most in-opportune areas, don't listen to me 30% of the time, are under-foot, lick me, etc.

But you do one thing that I love. Your on my side. It's Lucy and I against the forces of messiness. Lucy does one thing that helps me greatly; she cleans the floor with her tongue. You could feed an army with the food that drops onto my floor. Instead we feed a golden retriever. And I love her for that.

It's funny nobody but me appreciates it. Something else I noticed that's funny about children, when their done with something they just drop it on the floor. Can you imagine a mother doing that! She never would because she knows who's going to have to pick it up. Oh, me. Anyho, I keep telling them to pick up their stuff and maybe one day they'll just do it on their own. Maybe.

But onto the love/hate relationship with Miss Lucy. She gave my beautiful daughter ringworm...on her face. Bad, bad dog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I follow yours and your sisters in Law's blog every day. And everyday I show them to the people that I meet.

I was thinking about your comment yesterday and your relationship with Chad and how good your life is.

WELL,... Let me tell you a story. Remember when Chad came home and you warned me to be polite and not my normal self. You said he felt he had to the traditional things and ask me if he could marry you. Well, I was almost polite and told him that we are not a shop and here there is a no deposit no return policy.

If he marries you he has to keep you. Well it looks like he keep his promise.
