Thursday, August 19, 2010

Camping in Texas (in May), a photo essay.

Before we get started on our Camping adventure that we did over Memorial Weekend with friends, I will show you the day after aforementioned adventure. Now that you know the end of the book I will fill you in on the juicy details. Over Memorial day we got the bright idea to go camping (technically it was Luana's idea and we succumbed to peer pressure). Being as it was Memorial day weekend we had the Texas heat upon us it was a good thing we packed our sense of humors.

Especially me because I hate sleeping dirty and hot (even though I met my match in camping complaining in my sweet friend Amy (love ya :)). But Chad to the rescue! His snoring made it impossible for me and Rebbecca (who was in a totally different tent) to sleep a wink! Thanks Chad. The campsite was on Lake Lavon which was about an hour from Dallas. Upon arrival to the campsite I announced there was no way that I would be placing a pinky toe in that Lake. Fast forward two hours and we were all chillin in that nasty water. Good times.

The kids had a ball being with their friends and having the open reign of our HUGE campsite (it was for groups up to 200 people). So our little group of about twenty got to camp like Kings. That just reminded me of a funny joke about camping. Went something like, "camping was invented so even poor people could take vacations." He he he, even though there were many a stereotypes there to reinforce that joke. But in all seriousness I do like camping. I like it best in a cabin in the mountains were there are lots of fun outdoorsy activities to do; hiking, biking, rafting, boating, etc. But the company made up for a lot on this trip, since we are in Texas with no mountains in sight.

We ate, and ate and ate, stayed up late chatting by the campfire, swam, even caught a fish (technically it was dead and floating, but hey. . .still counts), played on the shore and boated. Enjoy the photo essay to follow.

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