Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm sure they felt the spirit.

To be perfectly clear, I am sure that they did not and that they drove it away from anyone that was. They were their usual rowdy selves plus some extra on this day. We went to see where mom and dad were married with Uncle Doug and VV. I was annoyed and they were entertained. People staring, running around chasing, splashing in the water, loud voices, teasing (of course), crawling on the ground.

Oh, lets not forget the two shining moments. All the kids went up the famous steps to the temple and then the horror. . . they all started pounding on the door! AGGHHHH the horror. Got that situation under control to have them standing there pretending it was their wedding day. But obnoxiously done no less. Then for grand humiliation situation number two, Lily as you know runs absolutely everywhere she goes. Thus she is always ten steps ahead of us. I was chasing her down when I turned the corner to find her. . .naked. Yes NAKED. In the middle of Temple square no less. Yes, she peeled off all her clothing and was crawling up into the fountain to go "wimming" she reported.

Tours over. Time to go home.

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