Last June Mr. Luke graduated from preschool. He loved going to preschool and seeing his buddies. He'd skip up our driveway after school with his happy little skip. For graduation they sang a couple of songs which were of course, amazing. Luke was so proud of himself and belted out the songs taught to him. "I am a promise, I am a possibility, I am a promise I am a great big bunch of PERSONALITY! with a capitol P, I am a promise." The song had movements that went with the song and lets just say, everyone in the family loves to watch the video of Luke singing and dancing. It is sure to be a hit at Luke's wedding.

Luke hugging Ms. Whitney whom all the children just adored. Possibly because they thought she was just one of the gang. She is a sweet little package of a person standing small at 5 feet even.

Luke with his peers getting ready to sing to their audience.

Luke and Mrs. Susan the school nurse. Mrs. Susan is just wonderful and not enough nice things can be said of her. Luke goes down to her office about three times a day to check his blood sugars. He has a routine of exactly what to do and he skips in and does his thing. On days where Luke is literally dragging she gives him encouragement to move a wee bit faster. She handles Luke with a cool head and keeps my baby boy safe.

Luke and I after his graduation in the nurses office. As part of the graduation Luke made me a treat. He baked a brownie in a pottery pot then made a flower sugar cookie and decorated with 2 pounds of sprinkles. Attached a stick to the cookie and stuck it into the "dirt". I gobbled it up while sitting in a tiny chair. I'm so proud of Luke, he's grown up a lot this last year. He's chomping at the bit to be independent and grow up. Off he goes to kindergarten in less than a week. Love you boy.
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