Friday, August 20, 2010

Owen's baptism

Owen turned eight this past May and since we had Justin's wedding coming up in June we decided to do it then so all both our families could participate. It would have been great planning to get a picture of the whole group but I didn't. So the people in attendance were; Chad's mom, Bill and Nan, Chad's sister and her whole family, Aunt VV and Uncle Doug, my mom, Jason and his family, Jay, Josh and Siera, Jared, Justin and Alyssa.

It took place at the Stake Center in Sugarhouse where Bill and Nan live. It was Sunday June 13th at 7pm. Chad performed the ordinance. My mother and Bill gave talks about baptism and the holy ghost. During the talks Owen sat between Chad and I, very still. Concentrating and listening. He wasn't nervous, he was quiet though. Very serious and reverent. It was the first of many great moments to come as a parent. Getting to see your children accept the gospel and choosing the right. Chad, his dad and all my brothers stood in the circle to confirm Owen. It was one of the most spiritual moments of my life.

Owen is such a sweet good boy. All who know him know of his goodness. He is kind and thoughtful a wonderful peacemaker for our home. We love you so much Owen and are so proud of you. I know you will grow to be a powerful man, that you will do much good in your lifetime. Love you son.

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