Technically I think she does know it but she NEVER uses it. Poor Owen. I have heard her say it a couple of times, but only after we repeat it for her to repeat. Which she will in that moment. But then it's gone. And then she calls him. . . Luuuuuke. Emphasis on the U. Yup. Which is kinda sad because Owen just loves Rubby. I'm sure she loves him too, but she just really really really loves Luke. Those two are always together, playing and pretending together.

It's funny it was a few weeks ago that both Chad and I mentioned this to each other. That she doesn't ever call Owen by his name. Owen being his happy positive self is always trying to teach her his name. He doesn't take it personally and doesn't think anything really about it.

Hopefully in time these two will let him into their club. If I close my eyes I can perfectly hear her shouting, "Luuuuuuuuuuke!"
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