Look how sweet. Lily and I, together for the first time. She has been growing and growing and growing lately. All I want is for her to slow down (and just maybe stop destroying things, terrorizing the cat, screaming, seeking out permanent writing instrument, etc). She has been talking a lot more lately and we're finally able to understand much of what she says. Now I'm just wondering if clarity is all it's cracked up to be.
Today I was cleaning out my car, a messy car is one of those things that makes me crazy. I was all finished and it was time for us to go inside and get showered, dressed and run some errands before the boys got home from school. I tell Lily, "Come on it's time to go inside and get dressed."
Her rebuttal, "I NEVA gonna go inside, GO AWAY!"
Ah, was this one of those sweet mother/daughter moments they always talk about?
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