You know your up for some interesting photos if this is what I'm leading off with. Right. Right. Maybe the word interesting should be replaced with white trashish for accuracy in reporting. As my faithful readers (all four of them, most of them family) may have noticed I went on sabbatical this past year. As I print this blog out yearly as my journal I can't just leave September through May empty. It would be wrong. My OCD parts just wouldn't allow it. So until I catch up you will be subjected to a walk down memory lane.
Which surprisingly for the month of September included a lot of messy faces, nudity and children resembling hobos. Who knew. I will now take a brief moment to explain a few of the photos. Some need no explanation, others. . .like the first photo do. Lily and I would often take bike rides around the neighborhood. On this particular day, halfway through the ride it started to sprinkle. I have hair issues. It is naturally curly but I blow it out every other day. I was only on day one of my "nice" looking hair. So as a resourceful woman I stopped by my trusty friend Mrs. Hubregs home for a hair protector. I truly have no pride.
Lily gets a black eye, I know what you're thinking too. It's shocking that she went this long without one. Milestone complete. The photo of Luke's classmates was for Friday football. Football is a big deal in Texas. Big. Luke is easy to spot though, we remain loyal fans to the blue and gold. The photo with Lily and broken glass needs no explanation. She is a Mead child after all. In September we acquired our precious puppy Duke. He looks SO tiny! September was also a memorable month for Owen as he had four teeth pulled. Prior to the pulling of teeth he had started to respond to the nickname "Shark boy".

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