Sunday, September 23, 2012

An after meal ritual.

Three to four times per day Jack manages to find himself here; in our kitchen sink. Eating is, after all quite a messy operation. One that he engages in with such vigor that it often leaves me as an awed spectator. Picture me tossing food onto his tray and practically while the food is still mid-air being snatched up by dimpled hungry hands. Frantically grabbing handful after handful and shoving it deftly into his mouth. So much that he will often use his forearm to hold it all in while chewing takes place.

Once the frenzy has past it is usually quite a scene. Loyal Duke is on the scene with a willing heart, ready to do his part. Jack sits in one side of the sink, splashing and aiding in cup and spoon washing. I leave a small stream of water going for him to play with.

Could he be more darling?!

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