Sunday, September 9, 2012

Owen and the girl.

From Coronado beach.

Being the only girl inevitable makes you cool (I'm not biased or anything either, being as I was also an only girl). But, seriously, IT tots does. We may miss out on a lifetime of having a built in best friend who knows you and your story better than anyone and also someone who can give you a little heads up about oh I don't know THAT WHOLE pregnancy and childbirth stuff. Being as we miss out on those gems it's only fair that our consolation prize is that we are cooler.

For instance, just a few moments ago Lily walked into the room and I asked her if she had just used the bathroom. To which she replied, "oh yeah I did. Ha! Just kidding I prank you mom!"

And! When she plays dress up she almost always has some sort of weaponry adoring her princess dress. A light saber, sword, hand cuffs, a plastic machete. . .you know, for safety. My kind of girl; she will look beautiful while delicately hacking her victims to a slow and painful death.

We are carefully preparing her for the dating scene. Delicately placing jewels in her arsenal like, "boys have a special private place where you can incapacitate them with one direct hit."

To which she replies, "what's incarp ac it gate?"

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