Saturday, September 29, 2012


By Chad
Fifteen years and counting baby! Look at how happy I am. This is the beginning of our annual family vacation. This year we visit San Diego, where we encountered perilous adventures.
One of our perilous adventures was our trip to Torrey Pines. There, we were immediately faced with the daunting choice of three parking lots. One at the bottom of the trail, one mid-way up and another at the top. Jamie decided to maximize the adventure by parking at the bottom; this way we wouldn't miss any of the trail excitement by driving up part of the way.

This turned out to be very prudent, because there was all sorts of nothing to see between the first parking lot and the second parking lot, and if we had parked at the first lot, this would have deprived Chad of the wonderful, wonderful experience of carrying his 20-pound-baby on top of his back with the 80-pound-backpack. (Plus, we would have missed the spectacular views of the pavement between the two lots.) Life, it's made up on these kinds of wonderful experiences. Don't take any chances, you might miss them.
Chad loves the babies and cares about their continued well being. Because of this he worries deeply about them falling from great heights to their deaths. But we cannot miss a photo opportunity. That's right kids, edge just a little closer to the precipice.
 Okay, as this picture shows, maybe the danger wasn't that great, but in person, it seemed a lot more dangerous. Jamie, of course, needs to encourage the kids to moonwalk back to safety, as Owen demonstrates here.

Chad's busy keeping them alive and I'm busy keeping them entertained.

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