As a mother of boys I'm beginning to pride myself on my emergency room tactics. Never go to an emergency room where a lot of old folks live nearby. They have real emergencies and you will have to wait FOREVER. Luker only needed five stitches thus patients with genuine emergencies got first priority. I know, crazy but I don't make up the rules.
Poor Luke! What happened? I am so sorry that you had to wait for so long! I hate emergency rooms! Jamie, can I please just say that I am so happy that you are blogging! Basically I am a blog junkie and this is going to sound pathetic, but I check people's blogs like a lot during the day! It is so addicting!
Poor little guy! It made me so sad that he barely even got to play at Planet Pizza before it happened. That place must be cursed! It was good seeing you for the few minutes we got to see each other. We will have to do it again at a much "safer" place. By the way, how is he doing?
Hey Jamie! This is Libbie! I hope you don't mind that I found your blog and of course am looking at it! I just started blogging a little bit ago, and like Lesley says . . . I'm addicted! I found you thru hers. Your boys are so cute! Congrats on being pregnant! How are you feeling? Tara said you were coming into town soon. We should all do something again! I promise I won't go on any more rampages about garments . . . unless asked again! That's the only time I say anything! I swear! Maybe Lesley will come into town too??? Huh Les! Yeah! You should do it and then we can have a fun girls night . . . . Anyway, I hope all is well. Libbie
Sounds good to me! Count me in!
I don't get your comment, what are you counted in for. Can I come to? Where are we going? Huh?
Because Libbie said, maybe Lesley will come to Kennewick too! and I am responding to her comment! :)
Oops, I am seriously losing brain cells rapidly. I wish I could freeze brain cells like men freeze sperm. That way at a later date when I'm even denser than I am now, I can pull them out and replenish my brain.
Looking forward to seeing you, I found Cadence's BLOG from yours. This is getting more addicting by the hour.
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