Sunday, July 27, 2008


Seriously, who could resist. And nobody even tried to resist. Here is Owen with his first customer. Owen outfitted in this totally darling sign made a cool $22 dollars in under 20 minutes. We sold out, even got some outrageous donations ($5 dollars a cup) but everyone was so nice and made a little boys dream come true. His dream? Buying the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles video game. Big dreams.


Amy C said...

Wow, that's sweet! Did you make that lemon?? Very cute.

Kaylyn said...

That is adorable! I would have bought multiple cups from Owen!

Robyn said...

That is so cute! I totally would have bought one!

Meeker home said...

Man- $22 is a lot more than we ever make at our lemonade stands. That's it. Next time we're wearing lemons!

Tara said...

What a cute lemon! I love it.

elements: overexposed said...

What an adorable sign. I would have stopped too! I'm so glad you got a photo!