Thursday, July 31, 2008

New objective, cost recovery

Below are images from our afternoon. They bring great delight to me. I figure I earned approximately $25 dollars today in free labor. That should cover one ER copay. $25 bucks down, $5 billion to go. Good times for the Mead boys ahead.
Owie washing the dishes

Job well done.

Luke separating the laundry.

Taking out the trash.


Meeker home said...

What is up with the previous 2 comments. Yikes. I love it when kids get old enough to start earning their keep. Your house looks so so nice- maybe we'll have to come for a visit sometime.

Lesley said...

Nice Jamie! That is great! I can't wait until I can partake of this! What a great day!

Robyn said...

Love productive days like these.

libbie said...

i was just thinking that it is time for me to teach Edyn to do the dishes! Now, I know it can be done!!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh! This is the best part about having children! I'm such a slave-driver sometimes. After a hard day of playing Gamecube & swimming at the pool, I make them fold laundry & take out trash. When I don't feel like doing the dishes, Sebastien gets to do them! I think most kids actually LIKE to do chores--if you do it with them. That's the hard part, having enough patience to teach them and let them figure out how to do it without stepping in and getting it done faster. You've got some "slaves in the making!" Isn't life wonderful?

matt and eve lloyd said...

When Erin comes to visit maybe I'll come along. I do have to say that Lily has been my favorite name for a girl since I was about 5 years old. Honestly, I love it! It's so fun to look at your blog and see how you're doing! Your kids are so darling!

My Three Sons said...

Nothing better than a little hard work! Do you remember when we decided to earn a little cash by becoming our own "babysitting club"? I remember taking flyers around to all the people we knew. It's a good thing your boys (& mine) are learning how to work hard! They'll be doing it the rest of their lives (hopefully!)

Amy C said...

Can they come to my house??

Unknown said...

I love free child labor! Although, as you put it, it really isn't free.