Friday, October 17, 2008

Things that drive me CRAZY.

They are as follows;

When beautiful people write and talk about how they feel so ugly. That they are trying to reconcile with what they see in the mirror. WHAT! AGGHHH. Seriously, they have won what I like to call genetic lottery. They've been kissed by the angels and no, not the sort that give you hideous red birth marks in inconvient places like your face. Spoiled brats. That is exactly what they are, they are like little spoiled children who have no idea how good they've got it.
When filthy rich people say money can't buy you happiness. Idiots, all of them. For heaven sakes, give me a crack at it.!@ I betcha I'd be happy, I dare you. Make me rich and I swear I will be happy.

I mean I managed to be happy living in a bug infested slime hole in college. I manage to be happy when I'm trying to crank out a dinner and all of my children are pestering me. I think I could make it work in a mansion with a staff and a yacht. Let's take vacations for example, it's fun to go to San Antonio and visit Sea World. More fun to go sailing in the south of France. Money makes life easier and better.

It's like someone being given the awesome gift of stopping time but they are so stupid that they can't figure out how to press the stop button. "No no no your doing it all wrong, just just give it to me."

Stop blaming the money, your the problem. Even if you were broke you'd still be a miserable sort. Let's start a movement that every time someone tries to say, "Money can't buy you happiness." We correct them and say, "No, you'll never be happy no matter what circumstance your put in." There that's better. Now, seriously I think I should prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Who'll give me my first million?


Petersons said...

I'd give you a million if I had it. love ya!

elements: overexposed said...

You are so funny! I totally agree with you, money buys a lot...and the root of the problem is the person, not the money!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more! I have always thought those people would be unhappy no matter what their situation.

Jessica said...

Would you like to run for president? Cuz I think you have more sense than both candidates put together!

Unknown said...

Sign me up! I'll help you prove those "idiots" wrong!

JenJ said...

Hey there!!
I can't believe it has been this long since I stopped by, catching up on all your posts was super fun though. You are having a great time! Can't say I enjoyed the rat though, but made we want a cat.