Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gotta get this off my chest

(Missing oldest brother in this pic, and aren't my earrings great!)

Okay now most of you know that I was born prisoner to a family (meaning God sent me to a family that had only boys). I have five brothers and I'm second oldest. Well, many people upon hearing about this will remark that it must have been great to be a princess. Ha, farthest thing from it. I mean I can recall moving pipe with my brothers out in the fields, so I was hardly being waited on hand and foot. But now I think it's great because princesses after all do not have very good lives after they leave the comforts of their parents nest. I mean, what are they saying about themselves anyways..."I am incapable of taking care of myself or anybody else for that." Yeah! That'ed be a great person to be saddled with.

Anyho, I digress. I've got some pretty naughty stories that I could share about my brothers but I'll let them do their own confessing. So, this ones about me and my guilty conscience. Well, when I was about sixteen everyone in my family but me went out of town somewhere (oh, memory where have you gone to?). So I was alone in the house, almost. My little brother Jay had this horrible pet hamster. It drove me insane. It somehow managed to escape daily and would promptly come into my room to poop on my floor. Agghhh. One day it became to much and opportunity showed it's ugly little face and I...took it. I loaded the thing up in it's little ball. Then I opened the door to it's ball and chucked it out into the wild (the field behind our house). I felt such immense joy and absolutely no guilt. It deserved to be hunted by the wild animals that inhabited those parts. Nobody and I mean nobody poops in my room and gets away with it.

I even helped Jay look for the darn thing for days after he returned. So so sad. This was supposed to be some sort of coming clean/repentance post. But as I wrote down the story I again felt justified for my actions, so yup I did it and I'd do it again.


libbie said...

Ha HA!!! That is totally something i would do, except with a cat, not a stupid hamster!

Petersons said...

You are so funny! I don't blame you for doing that, you were totally justified! p.s. can I get some of those funny family pics?

Petersons said...

p.s. Josh just told me he didn't really like the hamster either! He thought it was gross so he was secretly happy when it went missing! ha, ha! oh, and he wants me to ask you if you noticed the huge bloody band aid by his eye in that family pic. to funny!

Melanie said... nice to see your cleaning habits started at such a young age!!!

Amy C said...

Jaime Girl, you scare me!