Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sweet, sun kissed goodness.

The sun doesn't really have a lot to do with this post but it's shining down on me as I write and I can't help but love it's goodness. I love Texas, if for this alone (I love it for many other reasons, but the sun here is simply divine. It visits very often and from September to June it is perfect). But isn't Lily just too sweet to pass up posting a picture of her from this afternoon. Sitting on the outdoor couch, eating a cracker and contemplating life.
Now, off to find that delicious dog food (she seriously has a passion for Lucy's food and eats it by the fistfuls when opportunity presents itself).

I was washing up the kitchen table from today dinner and saw this imprint of Lily's foot on the table top. Isn't life grand. The sight of it made me smile and reflect on how happy I am. Love where I'm at, what I'm doing and who I'm doing it for. That is all.


Petersons said...

so cute! Can't wait to come help soon:)loves

Robyn said...

Wonderful post. I love that you love what you're doing. I love it too!

JenJ said...

Well put !!

Jessica said...

Can I have Lily's life? What bliss to eat a cookie and sit outside in the sun!! I'm so jealous!