Sunday, February 8, 2009

You know what else I like?

Working... Somewhere in Russia my father is beaming. It's probably kinda weird but I just feel SO good doing physical labor. Don't judge. But seriously nothing thrills me more than the whole family working together on Saturday; weeding, mowing, racking, vacuuming, washing the car or cleaning the garage. It just puts me in a great mood. I'm not sure why I like it so much, I do have wonderful memories as a child working together on projects.
To give you an idea when I was growing up my father wanted a bigger nicer house for his family. Too expensive to pay someone to do the entire project, so he contracted out the big jobs that we couldn't do (my mom, dad, me and five brothers). For years after school and every weekend we would spend working on the house. There are pictures of us kids on the second story holding the exterior walls up while my dad was nailing them down! We were like eight and ten! Ha. Even after we moved in we were always doing projects as a family, my dad would get some grand idea of something and we would all set off to make it happen. For instance, he got it in his head it would be cool to have a gazebo, surrounded by a mote with a bridge to get across then a stream coming off the mote down to a waterfall onto another stream and ending at a pond (see his ideas really were big). So we did it and it's still there today, and it was really fun.
All that just to say that I sincerely enjoy work. While your busying yourself in the labor there is an internal energy I feel, kind of like runner's high. That's when I'm firing on all pistons, I do most of my productive thinking while engaged in some activity. And then there is the result that I love; either a clean house, orderly lawn/garage, project done that didn't exist before my concept etc. Or, seeing my children accomplishing their chores and feeling oh so proud of themselves.
Love you dad, thank you for this gift you've given me. :)

Now for some eye candy. The kids have been wearing the 3D glasses since they got home from the movie yesterday. And Luke has been eating off his necklace he made for me.

You're welcome.


Maren Hansen said...

I hear ya--nothing like that satisfying feeling of a job well done!

libbie said...

I am in love with hard work also. As a matter of fact, I was just telling damon of my saturday plans to clean out the garage, and take tons of stuff to the dump and storage, and I felt myself getting VERY EXCITED! It is EXACTLY like a runner's high! LOVE IT!

Petersons said...

Yeah thanks John, our house would be in shambles and I would be a lot fatter if I didn't have Josh telling me we need to go do something, or that sitting on the couch that long makes his head hurt:) At first it was annoying that he couldn't be a couch potato with me but now I see why he has to be this way! love ya wamie!!

Meeker home said...

I like the satisfaction of a job well done, but I must admit that I don't really enjoy the process. And I never jump into things with both feet the way you do. You're awesome. Oh and the framed "sea fans" that Nate brought home... THANK YOU! They are beautiful! I can't believe you just come up with this stuff!

Unknown said...

I completely agree! And your kiddos are so adorable!