Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Haircuts for everyone and new family members!

Here is Luke with Fritz (doesn't Fritz look like there is nowhere else he'd rather be). The second cat we've owned in the last five days. Chelsy came home with us Saturday and we promply returned her Sunday morning (not good with people that one). In her place we got the dapper Fritz who was later dubbed Fritz William (Owen thought it would be clever to name the cat after he and his brother). So, here's to Fritz William...may he live long, not bite us, not poop/pee in any incorrect location and be a good sport with the many long days ahead from Luke's affection. Here here.
So this is a picture of Lucy's haircut. Who knew that she was so tiny. I like it so much I think I may die of happiness from the diminished fur-factor. She did not like it, as reported by the dog groomer and it took eight hours to complete rather than the usual three. So good times.
New and improved.
And in other news I got a haircut a few days ago. Upon seeing my new stylist (yet another example of my impatience, if my current hairdresser can't get me in the day I want I will always just try someone else out.) I thought to meself..."run away! run away! her hair looks terrible, thus she has poor taste, thus she will not give you the haircut that will make you look like the Christi Brinkley picture you brought as an example (true). Well I didn't because I didn't want to hurt her feelings (a girl thing) and I sat there for forty five minutes having a mild panic attack of sorts. I paid, even left her a tip, ran home re-did my hair to see if that would make a difference and promptly put it up on a ponytail where it will stay until I start this whole fiasco again.


libbie said...

Ahhhh!!! Your dog is bald!! And good luck with that kitty cat.

Funny about your hair story! I have had that happen to me WAY too many times! good thing they make pony tails and bobby pins right??

Lesley said...

Your dog is bald! That is funny! Congrats on Fritz William! I am sure he will love the Meads! As for your hair story- I am the same way! When I want it done, I want it done now and then I am always mad after and regret it! And I always feel bad too and end up leaving a tip even though I hate it! I can totally relate! So sorry! You look cute though!

museumeg said...

I got a bad haircut recently too! Too short! So I have to use a ponytail and a headband to keep it hidden till it grows. Pooh!

Petersons said...

I want to see a real picture of your hair, so email it to me! miss ya!

Meeker home said...

Classic haircutting story! I love the annoyed-looking picture of you. Awesome.