Sunday, January 31, 2010

O's bball game and Lukes new toy (that is already lost).

Owen (the big O) as he is known on the court, running out of the tunnel on Saturday's game.
I was so happy I got this shot, Owen had just stolen the ball and ran it down court and made a basket. He was thrilled and Luke cheered SO SO loud for his brother. A very exciting point in the action.
Warming up. Currently Owen is playing two sports, tennis and basketball. I need to take some pictures of him on the tennis court because I'm amazed at how good he is. He's serving overhead and can rally back and forth like twenty times!
This is our cheering section, Luke and Mr. MnM. Mr. MnM came into out lives a week ago. Luke saw him at a store last Saturday and asked for him for his birthday (which is in November, we adhere to pretty strict rules of no toys except your birthday or Christmas).

As you may know our dear sweet Luker has a bit of a problem with crustiness. He tends to scream and get frustrated fairly easy and you definitely DO NOT want to give him a reason to defend himself. Just trust me on this (we (anybody that even remotely knows Luke) think his sport is going to definitely be football...he's just got the killer instinct). So I thought I'd come up with an incentive to come to the sweeter side of relationships. Enter Mr. MnM. Luke got three strikes for one week and if on the last day he still had a strike left he could get his new toy. The rules were no screaming, you have to talk your problems out. And no whining and crying if something doesn't go your way, just get over it.

So he did so great! He got two strikes, one a few hours after system was devised and the other on Wednesday. He played with the toy constantly and brought him to the game. Which is where he consequentially lost it. Should I buy him a new one or have him learn a life lesson on being more careful with your toys?

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