Saturday, January 9, 2010

School cancelled today. There must be a great reason.

It's Thursday afternoon and instead of my "day off" (Lily goes to preschool on Thursdays and the boys are in school) where I do whatever my little heart desires. Which usually ends up being; shopping, tennis and lunch with friends (it's a tough life) I'm here in my kitchen.
Cooking up some lunch for crazy, wild children. Whom are stir crazy due to the terrible terrible weather. What kind of terrible weather you wonder? Would cause school and store cancellations? Cause the streets to look like a scene in a post apocalypse film. Well, it is a dozy.
It is so awful that I sent these children out in it(I am not from these parts and would consider today a day to possibly wear flip flops). Because of behavior that insults my fragile sensibilities (shouts and screams of delight at the notion of no school). I am terrible, just like the weather.
Here is a scene from another horror film, entitled Chilly day in Texas. This picture was taken from my front porch as I braved the terribleness that is . . .a 35 degree day in Texas. I KNOW! Hold your little ones extra close at the thought of that awfulness.

Native Texans, and all those who truly think this is terrible and the local news stations who interrupted ALL programming to report continuously about THE COLD WEATHER. Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my chilly heart. I mean for a moment there, I, I was almost. . . . a tad uncomfortable, almost. Crisis averted.

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