Sunday, February 14, 2010

I tried being resonable, I didn't like it.

Meet, Mr. native Texan. He is charming, smooth talking, wildly strong and brave. But he has enemies you know. A foe that is so formidable that even the strongest bravest native cowers in fear inside his mothers automobile.
So, here we find ourselves. Pondering tactics for defeating our enemy. He is a new foe for me(my blood has officially thinned) and an unimaginable enemy of the native. Slowly building power over us these past eight years of living here in Texas. I try to encourage my native Texan to have strength. Share stories of my many experiences with the enemy in my previous life.
Game plan. Run. It is our only hope against what is our form of kryptonite.
Snow. The mortal enemy of the native Texan. And my original plan for these pictures and this post title was, "Texas schools finally grow a pair and holds school." But. At eleven in the morning they held an emergency release due to snow. Then about two hours later news came that there wouldn't be any school the next day either. So. The enemy remains in power.

. . .In our defense you will see in the snow day post that this is the most snow Texas has ever had on record. Did you comprehend that?, yes I said EVER.

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